“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
– Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple

“What The !@&# Am I Going To Do Now?”

Those were the words that ran through Paul Miller’s head as he lay in his hospital bed… trying to breath through the pain of his shattered collarbone.

At 53 years old – working 12 hour days to keep his restaurant from going under – Paul knew this injury meant his business was done for…

And with his wife and 3 children to support… and barely enough savings to keep the lights on… Paul’s world was quickly spiraling out of control

Yet little did he know – Paul was just months away from creating a stable income that eclipsed what he’d made with his restaurant… 

…more than enough to close “The Gap” and provide lasting financial security, quality of life, and a legacy for his family.

And in the next few pages, you’ll discover exactly how you can do the same.

Ryan headshot

From the desk of Ryan Moran, Investor, Business Coach, CEO of Capitalism.com

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

On a crisp evening in April 2016, Paul Miller suffered an injury that would change the course of his life.

It happened when he was playing kickball with his son’s Cub Scout troop…

Caught up in the fun of the game, Paul made a diving catch – and landed just right so that he completely shattered his collarbone.

Another parent had to drive him to the ER… and he cried like a baby the whole way.

NOT because of the pain… Paul was a former Marine and had experienced much worse in his 53 trips around the sun…

No, this man’s tears came from his fear for the future of his family.

“I thought that the whole “3 store restaurant” thing was going to be my retirement… everything I had was wrapped up in the restaurants, so I was trying to save my last bit of investment. I had an 11 year old, a 16 year old, and a son who’d just graduated high school… so everything was riding on me.”

You see, at the time of his injury, Paul owned a FAILING restaurant franchise.

Over the past 2 decades, he’d invested over $2 Million into the business and put in countless hours of his own blood, sweat, and tears to keep the – and yet it was dying, no matter what he tried.

He’d already closed two of his three locations, fired his general manager, and was working 12 hour days just to keep the lights on…

So when he got injured and had no choice but to stop physically working on the business – he knew its days were numbered.

4 Months:
The Race Was On..

With 4 months until his restaurant was foreclosed on, Paul knew he had to find a way to make ends meet…

He’d been an entrepreneur his entire adult life, having bought into the franchise decades ago…

But now, he was getting older and he was injured to boot – his plans for retirement popped like a bubble, and the way he’d always done things was off the table.

So he decided to go all in with the “Plan B” he’d been thinking about:

Start an online business.

See, shortly before his injury Paul had started educating himself about alternative ways to create a second income stream to ease the financial pressure… though he hadn’t yet taken action on what he’d learned.

Now though, his family’s future was on the line – and Paul knew it was Do or Die…

You see, at the time of his injury, Paul owned a FAILING restaurant franchise.

Over the past 2 decades, he’d invested over $2 Million into the business and put in countless hours of his own blood, sweat, and tears to keep the – and yet it was dying, no matter what he tried.

He’d already closed two of his three locations, fired his general manager, and was working 12 hour days just to keep the lights on…

So when he got injured and had no choice but to stop physically working on the business – he knew its days were numbered.

So he went all in and implemented one of the lowest barrier of entry option for building an online business:

Selling high quality, white-label physical products.

At first, he had mixed success

He had the idea to sell paper popcorn bags to people who might want them for small events and didn’t want to order 1000 at a time…

According to a 2017 article by CNBC , The Top 5 Lowest Barrier Of Entry Industries To Start A Business In Are…

1. Healthcare
2. Marijuana
3. E-commerce
4. Tech
5. Home and Building Maintenance

…so unless you’re excited about being a live-n caregiver, pot farmer, programmer, or janitor – you can probably guess which is our favorite!

So he bought them in bulk and spent hours on end repackaging them by hand with his kids – and selling them in packs of 100.

Sure enough, he started making regular sales… until other people started stealing his idea.

Paul wasn’t too upset though. He knew reselling little popcorn bags was only a “trial run” – and he was only getting started with this “online business” thing.

Start-up Tip:

Sometimes your first idea won’t be the best one, but it can lead to your multi-million dollar business!

When At First You Don’t Succeed...

You see, Paul’s popcorn bag hustle had only really incorporated two of The 4 Pillars of Business (which I’ll explain in-depth in just a moment)…

But his next attempt was a whole different story.

White-Label Product:
a Product produced by one company that other companies rebrand and market themselves.

Again, Paul followed to the “Zero To A Million” Process for building a physical products brand…


For his second run at it, Paul decided to try selling sleep headphones.

He’d owned a pair himself years before and had enjoyed them for listening to podcasts and audiobooks before bed, but they’d broken fairly early on…

So he found a manufacturer who produced a superior product… he got a custom label designed… and BINGO!

CozyPhones were born.

Right out of the gate, Paul knew he had a winner…

He’d found a quality niche Product that didn’t have a lot of competition in the marketplace, and people were responding.

“Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.”
–Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

Sales picked up… the tension eased… the fear retreated…

And Paul knew he and his family were going to be okay.

Unexpected Results…

What Paul didn’t expect…

…was that his “Plan B” for keeping his family afloat would end up replacing his restaurant incomein just 4 months!

Gone were the 12 hours work days… Gone was the struggle of barely keeping his head above water… Gone was lead weight of fear in his gut, and feeling his financial future was out of his control…

“I found a manufacturer and ordered a small quantity of headphones. Again, I followed all the Principles and I had success with that very small quantity. So I went on again using the [4 Pillars] …and when my time was up with the restaurant, I was able to go full time and make a living and support my family strictly off Amazon.”

-Paul Miller 

Replaced instead by a “job” that…

  • he is passionate about…
  • provides predictable and ever-growing financial abundance for him and his family…
  • creates new jobs and breathes new life into the economy…
  • has a positive impact on thousands of lives…

…and maybe best of all – that require him to work a fraction of the hours he used to, WHENEVER and WHEREVER he wants.

The worst thing that could have happened to me is if I HADN’T broken my collar bone, and hadn’t started this business.

Through hard work, perseverance, and following a proven system, Paul found a way out of financial desperation…

And yet at the same time, millions of hard-working Americans are watching their expenses rise as they sink deeper and deeper into debt each year…

Many are one “collarbone accident” away from dire financial straits… and most don’t have a “Plan B” to get them through…

The System Is Broken… And There’s Never Been A Better Time To Be An Entrepreneur

The feeling of helplessness that Paul experienced after his injury is becoming all too familiar.

Every year for the past 50 years, the cost of Housing, College Tuition, Food Prices, Gas, and all our other expenses have been rising all across the board…

Yet (adjusted for inflation) average wages have been staying more or less the same.

Americans are living hand-to-mouth, spending more than 50% of each paycheck just to keep the lights on, so to speak…

Let alone being able to invest in their future, or being able to provide the life experiences for them and their families that they wish they could.

Graph of US hourly wage
Graph of rising US median house price
Graph of rising US tuition cost

And with a nation-wide average of just $8,863 in our savings account – getting laid off is a disaster that many people are barely able to survive…

Yet at the same time, each year THOUSANDS of normal people are pulling themselves up by the bootstraps – escaping the desperate plight of the average working American…

…and instead, building a life of Financial Freedom for themselves and their families – while doing work that inspires them, and creating more, better-paying jobs for others.

In short, they are no longer content to wait for change… they understand it’s their responsibility to create change.

Business Insider says…

“This is the greatest time to be an entrepreneur. But it’s a terrible time to make up excuses and reasons why it’s not worth trying.”
Business Insider logo

…and Entrepreneur agrees…

“Less expensive technology and the state of regulation are all fair winds blowing in favor of new small-business owners. In short, there’s never been a better time in America to go out on your own.”
Entrepreneur logo

…and Inc. Probably says it best…

“The best time in history to start a business is right now. […] What’s holding you back?”
Inc logo
The writing is on the wall… are you ready to join the thousands of Americans who are answering the call?

Can Anyone REALLY Do This?

By now, you might be thinking this sounds a little too good to be true. I get it.

But consider this…

  • Amanda R. was a struggling mom torn between time with her kids and the demands of corporate America – until she started selling homemade “bath bombs” as a hobby… and was ultimately able to grow her business enough to become a full-time entrepreneur (page 24 Issue 5 of The One Percent Newsletter)…
  • At the age of 26, Charles C. started a business while he was still in college, eventually sold that business and used the proceeds to start Keeva Organics, an acne products company… and he’s already on track to do $40 million in sales this year….
  • Sisters Gemma P. and Georgie M. started a yoga accessories brand… and despite the fierce competition, within twelve months they have grossed more than $1 million – by building a lifestyle brand with followers who share their values and beliefs….

As these examples prove, despite the ever widening gap, you really can rewrite your future. And fortunately, like these people and others you’re about to meet, you can start small.

After all, Sir Richard Branson, founder of more than 60 companies in 35 countries employing 71,000 people under the Virgin brand reminds us…

A big business starts small.

The real question is how does one go from starting small to making it big?

What makes these entrepreneurs different from all the “wannabes” who try and FAIL to build a business that actually helps them realize their dreams?

It isn’t a native intelligence or talent or dedication… It isn’t that some people want success others don’t…

Quite simply, it comes down to something I discovered the hard way:

The 4 Pillars of Business: Your “Master Key” To Entrepreneurial Success

In the next few pages, you’re going to discover exactly what The 4 Pillars are, and how YOU too can leverage them to create a winning business that allows you to close “The Gap” and secure your family’s financial future for generations to come.

I have personally helped thousands of brand new entrepreneurs – people just like you – add thousands of dollars per month (and more) to their income. I didn’t come from wealth, and I’m no entrepreneurial super-genius… I was just lucky enough to discover a few key business principles that allowed me to escape the “rat race” most Americans stay trapped in all their lives. By leveraging these principles I was able to put myself through college with a “little” online business I managed in a few hours a week… And in the years since, they’ve allowed me to take multiple companies from $0 to 7 figures or more. For example:
  • A few years back, a friend and I built a Yoga products brand from just an idea to a $4 million dollar exit in just 12 months…
  • Later, I took $500 and the exact same, proven principles and built a supplement company I sold for over $10 million after 48 months…
  • More recently, a partner and I acquired a struggling beauty brand which we’ve turned around using these principles. My guess is it’ll go to market and sell for more than both of my previous deals combined
… all because each of these businesses was built on The 4 Pillars. And I’m not the only one who’s leveraged The 4 Pillars to quickly add thousands of dollars per month to their income – by starting a business during their “down time” after they get home from their regular jobs…

I’ve even seen some folks use The 4 Pillars to pull themselves out of poverty and ultimately start making more money “working for themselves” than they ever did at a regular job, like Paul Miller…

…and that’s only the beginning.

Because once you have a Framework for integrating The 4 Pillars into your entrepreneurial endeavors… you will possess the “Master Key” for building a successful company in any industry…

Eight(ish) Billionaire Serial Entrepreneurs

  1. Andreas von Bechtolsheim – Net Worth = $6.7 Billion
  2. Sir Richard Branson – Net Worth = $4.1 Billion
  3. Rod Drury – Net Worth = $1 Billion
  4. Janus Friis & Niklas Zennström – Net Worth = $1.3 Billion EACH
  5. Wayne Huizenga – Net Worth = $2.8 Billion
  6. Michael Rubin – Net Worth = $3 Billion
  7. Alexander, Marc, & Oliver Samwer – Net Worth = $1.2 Billion EACH
  8. Oprah Winfrey – Net Worth = $2.8 Billion

…allowing you to finally build a company that provides you with the freedom of Time and Money you’ve always desired.

And in just a moment, I’m going to explain exactly how you can get access to such a Framework, free of charge… one that’s been proven MILLIONS of times over…

…but first, I need to tell you the rest of Paul’s story…

From Broke, Broken, And Jobless… To $5 Million Per Year

See, what I didn’t mention before is that Paul’s CozyPhones sales were far from their peak when he replaced his restaurant income…

The real turning point… was one day when Paul did a photo shoot for his CozyPhones, and the photographer put a pair on her daughter.

Inspiration struck like lightning, and Paul started looking into creating “kid friendly” designs of his CozyPhones – something that absolutely no one else was making.

He started sharing his kid-friendly CozyPhone models on Facebook, and parents started buying them for his kids…


And as more and more people shared it and talked about his unique Product, the more the sales picked up.

Start-up Tip:

Sometimes your first idea won’t be the best one, but it can lead to your multi-million dollar business!

Before long, Paul was selling $10,000 per month online – and it didn’t stop there…

Pretty soon,  sales picked up to $20,000 per month… Then $50,000 per month

And it just kept growing, until he was forced to build out a team to take care of the day-to-day responsibilities…

Just 12 months after “hitting rock bottom” – Paul had grown his little “Plan B” company to $1 Million per year...

Today, Paul sells more than $5 million per year of his CopyPhones.

His goal is to sell the company one day for millions of dollars, so that he can leave a legacy for his family for generations to come…

And he’s well on his way to making it happen!

What Did Paul Get Right?

What made his CozyPhones a multi-million-per-year success?

How was he able to start to build this business with almost no capital to invest, and replace his income within 4 months?

In short – Paul built CozyPhones on The 4 Pillars of Business.

And as I mentioned earlier, that’s my story too.

I discovered The “4 P’s” the hard way… through trial and error, and just a little bit of luck…

And after testing and dialing a Protocol for building a business around them (which I’ll explain in just a moment)…

…so I can help my friends and students apply “The 4 Pillars” and reap the rewards.

Because once you understand these 4 key principles… you will be able to see the market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from every side imaginable…

…and you’ll have the ability to succeed in any business imaginable.

That’s right

​ANY business.

ANY economy.

ANY size.

ANY industry.

Look at any successful business in any industry selling any product or service and you’ll find The 4 Pillars present…

Miss any one of the 4 in your business and you’ll struggle at best – and fall flat on your face at worst.

So What ARE These 4 Pillars??

By now, you’re surely wondering just what the heck ARE these “4 Pillars of Business”?

Well, here they are:

(Note: these are not listed in any particular order. They ALL must be understood and applied if you want to be successful.)


Follow a Proven Plan.


Implement Repeatable Processes.


Offer Quality Product(s) Around a Trustworthy Brand.


Find happy People who buy over and over again.

Now that you’re aware of them, you’re sure to start seeing their presence in every successful business you can think of.

Build your business around those 4 principles and you’re on your way to lasting financial success and personal fulfillment.

…and in just a moment I’ll let you in on how you can get my complete “4 Pillars” business training for FREE...

But first, let’s take a look at…

The 4 Pillars In ACTION

Take Paul’s CozyPhones for example…

Right on the bat, he had the first 2 P’s locked in with the Plan and Processes that I laid out for him…

Then, he found a Product that he knew there was a demand for – simply because HE was a fan of Sleep Headphones before he ever considered selling them…

So he took the found the best version of the Product he possibly could, and built a brand around it that people resonated with.

But the REAL game-changer that set Paul apart from the other sleep headphone companies, and allowed CozyPhones to become a $400k per month BEHEMOTH…

Was the People that Paul specifically designed his products for:

Kids! (Or more accurately, their parents 😉 )

See, once Paul came up with the idea of making kid-friendly headphones, he subtly shifted the focus of his marketing – and drastically shifted the style of products he was producing.

“One of my neighbors is a special ed teacher and she mentioned these might be great for her kids. So I gave her a few to try out in the classroom, and the kids LOVED them. […] There are kids that can’t participate in some school activities because they can’t wear regular headphones or earbuds… but the problems that we solve go WAY beyond special needs.”

-Paul Miller

The Plan and the Processes for the company were already in place…

…but once he started selling these new Products, designed for a very specific audience of People, his business absolutely EXPLODED.

And with the incredibly low barrier of entry of starting an online business, Paul was able to make it happen with a tiny fraction of the money out of pocket that he’d invested in his FAILED brick and mortar business.

Today, anyone can promote products on the internet…

For example, here’s a story about one of my friends, Moiz, who started his “4 Pillars” business with $500 and sold for over $90 million… and he started by using free internet advertising…

From $500 And An Idea... To A $100 Million Pay Day

In 2015, Moiz Ali was a 31-year-old living in San Francisco…

In San Francisco, people are all about healthy living, so a lot of people buy natural deodorant.

The only problem was that the popular brands didn’t work very well.

Moiz thought about developing his own, but since there are SO many deodorants available, he thought it would NEVER gain traction in the marketplace…

I mean, doesn’t the world have enough deodorant options?

But he decided to follow his gut and test it out.

Lots of people make their own homemade deodorant, so he invested a few hundred dollars to pay someone to make the Product.

Then, he posted about his product online to “test it out.”

Start-up Tip:

People LOVE to read about new products, so talking about yours can be the “spark” that you need to start a fire! In fact, if you invest $500 into developing your product, and you are willing to “test” your idea, then you can get started.

Lots of People saw his post and said that they wanted a natural deodorant, so they started talking about Moiz’s idea.

Can You Guess What Happened Next?

Using the business Plan and Processes that our Cap.com entrepreneur community helped him install, Moiz started selling it in small batches as the orders came in (he had to make that $500 go as far as possible!).

But soon, the orders started coming in faster

12 Small Brands That Went Viral:

  1. Dominique Angel Bakery (The Cronut)
  2. ALSA (The Ice Bucket Challenge)
  3. Roman Originals (The Dress)
  4. Metro Trains Melbourne (Dumb Ways To Die)
  5. Invisible Children (Kony 2012)
  6. Sphero (Makers of BB-8)
  7. Niantic Inc. (Pokémon Go)
  8. Cards Against Humanity
  9. Chubbies
  10. James Frey (A Million Little Pieces)
  11. Dollar Shave Club

Social media started to talk about his Product…

News channels started asking him to talk about his “Native Deodorant” brand…

And friends started recommending it to one another…

One thing led to another…

Then just TWO years after starting his company with an idea and only $500, Moiz got a phone call.

It was from a company called Unilever – a multi-BILLION-dollar company with the kind of resources and reach a solo entrepreneur can only dream of.

They owned some of the big deodorant companies, and they could see there was a real market for natural deodorant.

But instead of developing their own product and trying to put Moiz out of business…

They Offered to BUY Moiz’s Simple Idea For $100 Million!

That’s right… a 31-year-old “non-techy entrepreneur” sold his company for $100 million WITHOUT raising a bunch of money or “inventing” a thing.

Today, you can find Native Deodorant in Target and online.

Now, Moiz is worth a hundred million dollars… all from one simple idea that he aligned with the The 4 Pillars.

Ok, I know results like this are NOT typical. But then again, who strives to be typical?

And here’s the thing…

The same principles that made Moiz successful allowed my friend Jeremiah to completely change his family’s future…

17-Year-Old "Kid" Offers Products to Runners Online... And SELLS FOR $4 Million Before His 21st Birthday

I LOVE Jeremiah’s story. It speaks to that entrepreneur just waiting to be unleashed in so many of us.

I met Jeremiah when he was just 17 years old.

He did not have an idea, so he asked me, “What Product should I sell?”

After I guided him through a few exercises, Jeremiah decided to sell products to runners.

Jeremiah worked diligently to listen to the People he wanted to market to…

Which resulted in more sales, reviews, and a growing base of people who actually enjoyed buying from him.

Soon Jeremiah started releasing additional products to his customers…

That started a small snowball that continued to grow over the next couple of years.

Then, after a lot of trial and error… and with a little help from our community to develop a Plan and a few Processes

Jeremiah built a multi-million dollar company.

At 21 years old, Jeremiah sold his business to an investor for a cool $4 million.

He created a financial reality for himself and his family that his parents had only ever dreamed of.

Average Age Ranges of First Time Entrepreneurs:

  • 50-59 years old: 35 percent;
  • 40-49 years old: 25 percent;
  • 60-69 years old: 18 percent;
  • 30-39 years old: 14 percent;
  • 18-29 years old: 4 percent; and
  • 70+ years old: 4 percent.

…Clearly, you don’t need to be a “spring chicken” who grew up on technology like Jeremiah in order to build a 4 Pillars business!

If he invests that money well, he’ll never have to work another day in his life…

A business based on the same The 4 Pillars that will be even bigger than the first!

And his parents were so inspired they started their own brand – a brand now doing 7 figures per year in the relationship niche…

and they’re just getting started.

Too Good To Be True?

Now, these case studies probably sound “too good to be true“…

Jeremiah, Moiz, and Paul came from very different backgrounds…

They sell very different Products to very different people… Still, they did have one thing in common:

They started without knowing a thing about how to develop and sell a product online.

In other words, they were no further along than you probably are right now.

The only difference is – and the thing that’s allowed them, and hundreds of my students achieve massive financial success

Is the fact that they followed a Time-Tested and PROVEN Plan and Process for building a 4 Pillars Business.

They followed my protocol for building a brand and selecting quality Products

And they followed my “Hero’s Journey” method for identifying the People they could best serve (and market to) with those Products in order to create the maximum value and profit.

Without The 4 Pillars and the system I’ve created for implementing them – it’s likely that none of these entrepreneurs would have achieved the level of success and financial abundance that they have.

(They’ve all told me as much, so I feel okay about making that brag here 😉 )

Their product ideas might have been LOST FOREVER…

…but instead, they’re successful businesses, making a difference in the world, and millions of dollars doing something they LOVE.

And it’s not just my friends and students who are experiencing this kind of success – just take a look at some of these solo-entrepreneurs-turned-business-tycoons who are experiencing the same kind of success

Bobby Edwards

Turning Poop Into GOLD… (AKA $20 Million)

There’s the story of Bobby Edwards, a 41-year-old from Utah… who struggled with digestive issues.

He created a cheap piece of plastic that fit around the toilet and helped people, well, go to the bathroom.

He was literally laughed out of the room… but he laughed all the way to the bank.

His “Squatty Potty” currently sells more than than $20 million per year of his “crappy” idea (sorry, pun totally intended)

Rick Hopper

An Idea So Simple… It Sold For $27 Million

Consider Rick Hopper, who made have had the simplest idea of them all…

Rick developed a holder for your eyeglasses. Anyone could have developed that idea, right?

Simple as it may be, it went on to sell more than $27 million…

Sara Blakely

They Laughed At Her Idea… Until She Became A Billionaire

Sara Blakely was 27 when she got so fed up with pantyhose that rolled up under her clothes, that she decided to create her own hosiery line…

She developed a new kind of leggings that many investors thought was silly.

It was a simple idea… a type of pantyhose that won’t bunch up under your clothes.

She called her product “Spanx.”

Many people laughed at the idea… until she became one of the youngest female billionaires ever.

Quote/divider icon

These stories are just a few examples out of hundreds I could share that applied The 4 Pillarsbecause virtually EVERY successful business was started with at least one of them in place, and added the rest soon after.

  • Steve Jobs started Apple with a Product (the first “personal computer”)… and a clear idea of the People he wanted to serve (innovators and artists)…
  • Elon Musk started Tesla to produce faster, safer, awesome looking cars (Product)… for environmentally-conscious People who didn’t want to compromise to drive electric…
  • Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp started Uber in order to create a “better cab service” that was more accessible and affordable than traditional taxis (Product)…

From seasoned entrepreneurs… to “newbies” just starting their first business… to celebrities starting “side ventures”…

…once you learn how to how to build a business on the foundation of the 4 Pillars, success is all but guaranteed.

And today, I want to give you the opportunity to make The 4 Pillars work for YOU –

…so that you too can build a SUCCESSFUL business, close The Gap, and finally experience the Freedom and Security you’ve desired since you were old enough to worry about money.

Can I Really Afford To Start A Business?

By now, you may be wondering how you could go from where you are to having a brand worth millions of dollars – especially if you’re completely overwhelmed with where to start right now.

It would be easy to think you needed venture funding or a deep-pocketed corporation to back you.

Fact is, you don’t.

I started my first brand with $600… Moiz started his with $500…

Start-up Tip:

You can round up $500-2,000 as easily as applying for a new credit card, taking out a PayPal loan, selling some unused crap lying around your house, doing tasks on TaskRabbit, or even walking dogs on Rover

…and I’ve helped thousands of others build companies from nothing – sometimes starting with just a few hundred or thousand dollars.

So I say with complete confidence that if you’re fully committed to making it happen, you CAN.

MANY of my students have added hundreds or thousands of dollars to their monthly income…

And many more have added tens of thousands.

A few have even sold businesses for $4 million, $9 million, $19 million… even one student who sold for more than $30 million…

However – I know for folks in some situations, investing even a few hundred dollars over the course of 3-6 months is a stretch – even if they have a tried and true system to follow from $0 to $10k per month or more…

Which is why my team and I here at Capitalism.com are prepared to put $5,000 of our own money behind YOUR business venture.

I’ll explain this opportunity in just a moment… but first I want to get one thing straight…

5 MAJOR Businesses That Started On A Shoestring Budget:

  1. ShutterStock
  2. Mailchimp
  3. Shopify
  4. Tough Mudder
  5. RXBar

The 4 Pillars Are NOT A “Magic Pill” Guaranteed To Make You Rich

Now, before you roll your eyes or get too excited – I want to make it explicitly clear that the results I’ve shared above are indeed uncommon…

…but not that uncommon.

The truth is: following the “4 P” framework (which I’ll introduce in a second) is guaranteed to work for you…

as long as you’re 1000% COMMITTED to MAKING it work.

Your success in business – and any area of life, for that matter – is entirely dependent on your Effort, your Tenacity with Implementation, and your Attention to Detail.

The entrepreneur’s path is not for the faint of heart.

Building a successful business is NOT a “side project” or “hobby” you screw around with in your spare time.

It’s Night Construction… your other full-time job…

Your #1 PRIORITY to which you devote yourself to wholeheartedly when there’s no one around to interfere.

Following the “4 Pillars Protocol” WORKS – if YOU do the work and power through the highs and the lows.

Along the way, you’re most likely going to experience setbacks and outright failures (like Paul’s popcorn bag venture, or the time when a competitor got all his product listings pulled on Black Friday and cost him tens of thousands)…

More than likely, you’ll end up flushing a significant amount of money down the tube as you learn how to apply The 4 Pillars

You’ll experience frustration, anxiety, and disappointment…

There will be moments where you think, “maybe I’m not cut out for this entrepreneur thing,” or “why the heck did I listen to that Ryan Daniel Moran kook?”…

You might even earn yourself some extra gray hairs along the way…

…and yet, despite all the risks and challenges – I can promise you this:

Stick To Your Guns And Follow The 4 Pillars Protocol… And You Will Be Destined For A Lifetime of Wealth, Freedom, And Fulfillment

The proof is in the pudding. I’ve made millions and millions of dollars following this protocol…

I’ve seen it help more of my students and other entrepreneurs than I can count to create stable, lasting financial security

And I know it will work for you too – as long as you’re willing to put in the effort.

So before you read any further, I want you to take a moment and check in with yourself:

Are you TRULY committed to taking full RESPONSIBILITY for your financial destiny – despite how scary or challenging it might be at first?

Are you WILLING to follow the Plan I lay out for you – no matter the cost in energy and resources it requires you to invest along the way – until you get RESULTS?

Do you have the COURAGE to take the road less travelled and go ALL IN as an entrepreneur – no matter what your friends, family, peers, and co-workers might say about it?

If you answered “no” to any of the above… that’s perfectly fine.

Your future is yours to decide, and the Entrepreneur’s Path isn’t for everyone, so you might as well close this tab and forget you ever saw this article.

If, however, your answer to the questions above is “YES” – then I want you to read the following statement OUT LOUD:

“I am fully committed to building a successful business and taking control of my financial future, no matter what anyone else says, and no matter what obstacles may stand in my way.”

…say it out loud. Feel it resonate as your TRUTH. Because if you take me up on the opportunity I’m about to present to you – there’s no going back.

You see, I’ve created an in-depth training program to walk you step-by-step through implementing The 4 Pillars


Million Dollar Brands

The Proven Step-By-Step Process
For Entrepreneurial Success

Million Dollar Brands product shot

Look – I would like nothing better than to be able to come to your town and work with you personally to launch your business and take it to $1 Million…

But there’s simply no way I could do that for each and every up-and-coming entrepreneur who wants to learn from me.

So I’ve developed a very specific training program, designed to guide you every step of the way through building a “4 Pillars” business.

This training is the culmination of everything I’ve learned in 14 years and many hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in my own businesses…

I’ve carefully tested and PROVEN the efficacy of each and every step of the Process, and know for a FACT that it will work for you.

And, to minimize the risk involved in getting started – I’m going to give you an opportunity to get the entire program 100% free of charge…


“I realistically see growth to $10 million per year but I think there’s so many different avenues for growth, I don’t see a limit there. There are so many different angles to build our audience, I don’t have a limit.
-Roxelle Cho, MDB Student

That’s right, I’m going to GIVE you access to the Million Dollar Brands training that walks you through the exact Process my friends used to launch and build businesses that have allowed us to close “The Gap” and completely free ourselves from the status quo…

And in some cases, make more money than our entire family ever has – combined.

This is the training for people who want to know what I know and want to do what I’ve done.

… for people who want to build a real business with real Products

… for people who want to build something that can be SOLD for real “cash in the bank” money (not just create an income stream that shackles you to your computer 18 hours a day while you pray “they” don’t change their algorithm… again).

 … for people who understand freedom is a series of choices based on Proven Principles, not a career path or trendy business hack.

Let Me Be Crystal Clear...

I’m prepared to GIVE you the same training I walk all my $60k-per-year mastermind members, $10k-per-weekend workshop attendees, and 7-figure+ partners through…

…the same training I use to take a failing business and turn it into a money making machine – without needing me around to run it.

Yes, you read that correctly.

… you get my most important, most foundational, timeless principles based business training FOR FREE…

…if you’re willing to do just a little bit of work on your end.

Give Me 90 Days And A Little Bit Of “Skull Sweat… And I’ll Guide You To The Business of Your Dreams… FOR FREE

Let me be brutally honest (and confirm what you already know to be true)…

There’s no magical “add to cart” button hiding on the internet that can guarantee you a real business worth millions of dollars.

Instead, you’ll need to…

  • follow a proven Plan
  • develop a Product
  • build a set of business Processes to support the plan and product…
  • find the right People to buy the product…

…and actually do the work required in all those areas…

Which is exactly what I’ve designed Million Dollar Brands to help you achieve.

Then, and only then, will you have a reasonable –  not guaranteed – shot at making your dreams come true.

I know because others just like you have used my proven Plan to find the People who will buy their Products, and then followed my Processes to build the business of their dreams and create lasting wealth for themselves and those they care about…

And I’m certain that with the universal business principles you’ll learn in Million Dollar Brands, you’ll be fully capable of creating those types of results for yourself.

A Peek Inside “Million Dollar Brands”

Once inside the training area, you’ll have access to 10 Modules.

Each module contains an audio and video presentation that walk you through the key distinctions you need to move forward.

Along with each module, you’ll also get an Action Guide with worksheets, summary of the most important points, and key questions you’ll want to answer to have the best shot at building your Million Dollar Brand the FIRST time out.

Here's what you’ll learn inside the training...

Module 1 thumbnail
Module 1

The "12 Months to $1 Million" Formula

  • Discover the difference between a product and a BRAND (this distinction is what makes the difference between “one hit wonder” companies, and those that profitably roll out product after product)
  • Find out the BIG reason it’s faster, cheaper, and easier than ever to grow a successful brand (and why the Big Companies are running scared as a result)
  • Learn how to spot emerging market trends (so you can identify niche products to sell with a high probability of success)
  • Discover why it can actually be DETRIMENTAL for a new business to be OVERfunded (and the funding “sweet spot” that will give you the best chance at success)
  • And more…
Module 2 thumbnail

Module 2

Why Physical Product Brands Are Selling For 8 & 9 Figures

  • Learn the “7 Figure Formula” for building a million dollar business in 12 months or less (when you break down the math, it’s almost too simple)
  • Find out why you actually WANT and need competition in order to thrive (many entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to find a market with zero competition – and it’s usually just a matter of time until they go under!)
  • Discover how to gauge the responsiveness of a potential customer base (you don’t just need customers to succeed long term – you need true FANS of you and your brand)
  • Learn why being willing to “lose” a little bit of cash up front can drastically multiply your ROI down the road (and put you in the “fast lane” to 7 figures)
  • And more…
Module 3 thumbnail

Module 3

The Hottest Markets (Where Businesses Are Being Acquired For The Most Money)

  • Discover why you actually shouldn’t focus “serving the world” with your brand (and how shifting your focus will actually allow you to have an even greater impact)
  • Find out how to leverage your competition to get laser-focused on your ideal customer base (so you can find the niche “tribe” who you can best serve – and sell stuff to!)
  • Learn how to use social media for FREE “market research” (doing this can even jumpstart the launch of your first product)
  • Discover how to “look within” for breakthrough product ideas (sometimes the most profitable idea is too obvious to spot at first)
  • And more…
Module 4 thumbnail

Module 4

Choosing Your Niche (How To Narrow Your Target Market)

  • Learn The “Hero’s Journey” Methodology for identifying the present and future wants and needs of your audience (so you can come up with a suite of products to sell them at multiple stages of their journey)
  • Find out how to create a “gateway product” that’s a perfect entry point for new customers (get this concept straight, and you can make every product you roll out into a “gateway” for different subsections of your audience so they compliment your other products and boost sales across the board)
  • Discover how and where to find quality white-label products to brand as your own (without becoming a “knock off” of another brand)
  • And more…
Module 5 thumbnail

Module 5

YOUR Hero’s Journey + How To Get To Your First Million In 12 Months

  • Find out how to eliminate many of the common fears and internal blocks that slow down most entrepreneurs (so you can start off FAST and only build momentum as you grow your brand)
  • Discover the “1000/10/1 Market Method for getting Influencers and Superfans posting about your brand just in time for Launch (so you have a flood of customers beating down your door right from day one)
  • Find out how to get customer reviews that grow your sales on autopilot (how good will it feel to wake up with more money in the bank than when you went to bed!)
  • Get the powerful 2-Sentence Social Post template for instantly rallying support for your new business (this will help make your first launch a true Game Changer for you)
  • And more…
Module 6 thumbnail

Module 6

What You Need To Know About Your Target Audience

  • Find out why aiming for “good enough” is far more effective than aiming for “perfect” when launching a new product (many entrepreneurs make this mistake and their business NEVER makes it off the ground as a result!)
  • Learn how to communicate with suppliers, manufacturers, and private label distributors so you portray yourself as a PLAYER to be taken seriously (rather than a total newbie who’s just begging to be ripped off)
  • Discover the best way to come up with a compelling brand name and identity (you’d be amazed at the cringeworthy – or worse, completely forgettable – brand names that many first-time entrepreneurs settle on!)
  • Find out how and where to get your first logo designed (this little piece is one of THE most important things to get right on your first outing)
  • And more…
Module 7 thumbnail

Module 7

The Proven Strategy For Choosing Profitable Products

  • Discover how to choose products that have the best chance of being successful (even if you’re starting from scratch and no one knows who you are)
  • Learn how to leverage the “Trillion Dollar Marketplace” (and get other people’s advertising dollars behind your first product launch)
  • Find out how to read a market and estimate product sales (so you can avoid “flops” and be hitting product homeruns from day one)
  • Discover the one “metric” that’s even more important than sales (especially when you’re first bringing a product to market)
  • And more…
Module 8 thumbnail

Module 8

Questions & Answers

  • Learn to start viewing the world through the lens of “brands” (this will completely change your experience of life, so that you get inspiration for new products and innovative ideas everywhere you look)
  • Discover the #1 MOST important thing you need to do to get results (not just in business, but in ALL areas of your life!)
  • Learn how to leverage the “behind the scenes” work you’re doing to build your business, in order to create your Brand Story (doing this will give new audience members something to latch on to and connect with, essentially “pre-selling” them on buying your products before they even see them)
  • Find out the top 7 “Clarity Questions” I get from new entrepreneurs at this stage of their Million Dollar Brand journey (and how you can avoid ever needing to ask them in the first place)
  • And more…
Module 10 thumbnail

Module 9

How To Scale (Even If You Have A Tiny Budget)

  • Develop an understanding of the landscape of Internet Marketing (so you can grow your audience and your sales as quickly and effortlessly as possible)
  • Learn how to think and plan for long term success (so you don’t run into self-made obstacles down the road)
  • Find out how to utilize email marketing to build a deeper connection with your audience (email is still the #1 BEST way to build personal relationships with prospects and customers in an extremely scalable format)
  • Discover how to find “joint venture” partners to promote your brand and products (find good partners, and you’ll also be able to create additional income streams by promoting their products and services in turn!)
  • Learn how to leverage paid advertising to quickly grow your brand (do this wrong and it’ll cost you an arm and a leg… do it right and you can instantly 5x or 10x your profits)
  • And more…
Module 10 thumbnail

Module 10

Next Steps

  • Get a detailed overview of the opportunities now available to you as an MDB Graduate (to help you continue to grow, scale, and succeed in all your endeavors)
  • Required Reading for “Millionaire Thinking” (these are my top picks for books to expand your understanding of what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur and in life)
  • Learn how to create ongoing accountability (so you continue to make progress and hit goals, no matter how far you’ve come already)
  • Receive a powerful template for reaching out and fostering relationships with influencers in your network (so you can connect with like-minded movers and shakers and find mutually beneficial ways to support one another)
  • And more…

PLUS… when you enroll in Million Dollar Brands, you’ll also receive lifetime access to our private Capitalism.com online community…

This is where you get to connect with other high level entrepreneurs, influencers, and capitalists to grow your wealth and multiply your impact in business, life, and community.

If you want to know what it REALLY takes to create a business that can be sold for 7+figures and invested for lifetime cash flow and tax protection

…this community is the right place.

At this point you might be wondering…

How Much To Enroll In the Million Dollar Brands Training?

Like I said, it doesn’t have to cost you a dime… if you just do the work.

All I require of you is to COMMIT to your own success – meaning, I’m holding you accountable for going through and IMPLEMENTING each and every lesson in the program.

Submit proof that you’ve taken ACTION to us within 90 days and we’ll refund every cent of your initial investment, and the training costs you nothing but your time and effort.

It’s not a lot of work.

It just requires you to sit down, to watch some videos, to think, and to answer some questions.

Fact is, you could get through the entire training in about a week if you set aside just 2 hours per day.

Heck, even with a family, working two jobs, you could still knock it out in 30 days. (Just replace Netflix or Xbox with time invested in going through the training and executing!)

The exercises you’ll be completing and the questions you’ll be answering are foundational to ANY business you’ll EVER launch.

Imagine how much less stress you’ll experience, if you’re starting with a system you that you know WORKS beyond the shadow of a doubt.

You’ll be building your business on a rock solid foundation, miles ahead of the competition when you launch.

As long as you actually sit down and do the work, you could throw this training on a credit card, and you’ll more than likely have your money back before the next bill is due.


I got started selling on Amazon and it was a game changer. It has really created the freedom that I desired and the ability to do my own thing on my own time.
-Devin Dorosh

With that said… I am looking for people who are committed enough to invest in themselves and put a little skin in the game.

That’s why we’re asking you to pay a refundable enrollment fee up front.

There is one catch…

If you don’t do the work, you are NOT eligible for the refund.

Them’s the rules.

Don’t bother my support team for a refund if you’re not willing to do the work AND submit it as proof you went through the program.

But then again, why would you invest if you weren’t going to do the work?

Priceless Business Knowledge At Your Fingertips

Listen – This training teaches you the foundation of EVERY great business ever… so to call it priceless is absolutely true.

5 Major Companies That Went Bankrupt Because They Weren’t Built On The 4 Pillars

  1. Kodak
  2. Blockbuster
  3. General Motors
  4. Atkins Nutritionals

Skip what we teach in Million Dollar Brands and your chance of success drops dramatically – no matter what other advantages you might think you have.

I’ve seen well-funded companies HEMORRHAGE cash because they didn’t understand the principals you’ll know backwards and forwards after completing Million Dollar Brands.

Knowing these secrets will…

  • allow you to launch faster…
  • find your ideal PEOPLE faster and with more certainty…
  • know exactly what PRODUCT to sell…
  • have a PLAN to make it all work together…
  • and the PROCESSES to build and sell for millions (if that’s what you want)…

Tell me…

What would it be worth to bypass the struggle and failure so many others encounter when trying to launch a real business?

More importantly…

What would it be worth to finally cash in on that dream you’ve been carrying around for all these years… to finally let your “crazy” idea see the light of day?

Leave Your Mark On The World

If you’re like my friends Jake and Nate, you might see your Product literally in other people’s hands.

Jake and Nate sell workout gloves.

Every time they go into the gym, they see people working out and using their gloves.

In Jake’s own words…

“It’s the coolest thing! Whenever we travel, we try to go to a local gym, and I see my gloves being used almost every time.”

The best part? Jake and Nate have sold millions of dollars worth of their gloves, and they could not be more proud of what they have done.

Just imagine having a tangible, positive impact on People’s lives around the world…

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple 

Another great example of this is my student, Sofie…

Sophie is a young mom who wanted to teach her son to use less waste.

So her product was a reusable, stainless steel lunch box.

She did not have a ton of money to get started, so she launched a simple Kickstarter campaign to raise some funds.

She recorded a quick 3-minute video on her phone to talk about her product.

After sharing it with a few of her friends, some other moms started talking about it.

They started placing “pre-orders” for the lunch boxes. And within a couple of weeks, Sophie had $25,000 in lunch box orders – more than enough money for her to build an amazing business.

And that’s exactly what she did!

Today, Sophie’s brand, Seed and Sprout, has several Products consistently selling all over the globe, and she is making a difference in the world by doing what she loves.

How Would It Feel?

Tropical resort


Flying to a five-star resort in the Caribbean with your loved ones…

And before you even make it out of the airport – you see someone with YOUR product.

Imagine the satisfaction you feel… knowing that YOUR ideas are now making waves around the world and improving other people’s lives…

All while providing the means for you to give yourself and your family the emotional security, the quality of life, and the types of unforgettable experiences that most people can only dream of.

Would you pay $10,000 for those results (if you could), like my 3-day private workshop clients do?

Would you pay $60,000, like my BackRoom mastermind members do each year?

If you’re anything like me, chances are there is NO amount you wouldn’t be willing to invest in order to create a life based around your creativity that provides unlimited joy and financial abundance to those you love…

…and yet, the 100% refundable deposit you’ll be making to access the Million Dollar Brands training today is nowhere near $10k or $60k.

And it’s far and away from what you’d be investing to go the route many entrepreneurs do – starting a franchise, for example.

Start Up Costs of 4 Popular American Franchises:

  • ACE Hardware = Franchise Fee: $5,000, Liquid Capital: $250,000, Minimum Net Worth Required: $400,000
  • McDonalds = Franchise Fee: $45,000, Liquid Capital: $750,000, Total Investment: $1-$2.2 Million
  • Starbucks = Franchise Fee: $25,000, Liquid Capital: $125,000, Minimum net Worth Required: $1 million and the liquid capital requirement of $125,000…
  • Planet Fitness = Franchise Fee: $10,000 + 5% Ongoing Royalty, Liquid Capital: $1,500,000, Start Up Costs: $700,000 to $3.8 Million,Minimum Net Worth Required: $3 million

Paul invested over $2Million in his franchise, and look where that got him!

…and that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.

Same is true for just about any high-dollar franchise with a proven model of success.

But we’re not going to ask you to invest anywhere near the $1-3 million buying into a franchise might cost you.

Heck, we’re not even going to ask you to come up with the $3,000 that I’ve charged for earlier versions of this program – although that’d be more than fair.

Instead, we asked the team here at the office what’s a fair investment in your future that will keep out the tire kickers and looky-loos but still allow committed entrepreneurs easy access.

A couple of my friends in the business suggested I stick with the $2,000 most other courses are going for.

I said no. I’m not looking to play the “info product” game.

Then we batted around dropping that by half to $997.

And that seemed close… But I knew we could do better.

So when I dropped the price even further my team thought I was nuts.

They were afraid the customer service would be a nightmare… that it might let the wrong people in.

That’s when I told them:

“I’d rather let a few of the wrong people in than keep too many of the right people out.”

So while I absolutely do not believe in giving this away to anyone who asks, I do want to make it as reasonable as possible for you if you’re ready to build a real business worth millions…

That’s why you’ll get full access to Million Dollar Brands for just $297 when you enroll in the training today.

Make Your $297 “Deposit” And Secure Success For Your Business

As I mentioned before, when you complete the work and submit it to our team within 90 days, you’ll get a full refund.

Look… this isn’t just some sales tactic to “remove objections” and dupe you out of five hundred bones.

If you’re anything like me, you’re sick and tired of online business gurus selling “how-to-start-a-business” information that doesn’t deliver on the promises they write in their sales letters.

You’re frustrated by having to spend thousands of dollars on courses that take forever to finish… and leave you with no help… no real guidance…

They’re playing a rigged game designed from day one to put money in THEIR pockets. They know 97% won’t finish their course and they don’t care.

And that’s a game I’m not willing to play.

Zach Lee

I look back at that moment when I first made $100 in one day, and even though I’ve since gone on to do much bigger and better numbers, I remember turning to my wife and saying, “this is real, it’s actually making money!”
– Zach Lee, MDB Student

To be frank, I don’t need your $297. I have multiple companies selling physical products on autopilot and taking care of all my financial needs even as we speak.

In fact, I’ll be absolutely PUMPED to return your investment to you

…if that means that you’ve actually executed on the program material!

See, at this point my friends and I play in the “big leagues”…

We look for investment opportunities, where we can take successful companies and help turn them into World-Changing TITANS of their industries…

We look for investment opportunities, where we can take successful companies and help turn them into World-Changing TITANS of their industries…

…so my time is much better spent helping savvy entrepreneurs like you to actually SUCCEED, rather than just dazzling you with puffed-up promises so I can make a buck.

That’s why… We’re Changing The Game.

Flame icon

Capitalism.com Presents…

The Capitalism Fund’s $25k Business Ignitor Initiative

Here’s the deal…

… because we believe in lighting the fires of up and coming entrepreneurs…

… because we believe capitalism is the solution to most of the world’s problems today…

… and because we believe in actually INVESTING real dollars in those beliefs…

We’re looking to give away $5k to 5 new businesses.

$25k total.

All you need to do to qualify is:

  • enroll in our Million Dollar Brands training described above (so you know EXACTLY the kind of businesses we like to back right now)…
  • do the work, and…
  • submit your business idea…

…and you get a shot at a piece of the $25k up for grabs from The Capitalism Fund’s Business Ignitor Initiative.

That’s $5k to invest into your business. No strings attached.

This is NOT a loan… we don’t take equity… it’s yours to build with as you please.

AND… even if we don’t choose your business idea…

If you just do the work, we’ll refund your $297 investment in the Million Dollar Brands training.

That’s right –

You’re essentially making a “deposit” of $297 to keep yourself accountable and make sure you actually take ACTION on your dreams…

And when you DO take Action, not only will you get your $297 back, you’ll also get a chance to win a cool $5k to help your business take off.

Sound good?

If so, then go ahead and click the button below and you can get started with the training in the next 5 minutes.

The Life Of Your Dreams Is Within Your Reach

Listen… you’re about to gain access to the same 4 Pillars business plan that has allowed me and over 300 other “nobody” entrepreneurs to ascend to the 1% income level in America.

And while “joining the 1%” might seem like an abstract pipe dream from where you’re standing right now – I just want to share a couple facts with you, for perspective…

See, the media has bent over backwards to portray “rich” people as being entirely different from the rest of us… living in mansions with 10 car garages and custom pools shaped like dancing elephants…

But what most people don’t realize is… “The 1%” highest income income actually ranges all the way down to $478,000 per year.


  • $39,833.33 per month…
  • $9958.33 per week…
  • $1422.33 per day…

Which is just 47 sales per day, at an average of $30 per sale.

And that’s a central aspect of what you learn in Million Dollar Brands:

How to develop a product, and get it to 25+ sales a day…

Then how to add additional products that will draw in new sub-audiences to your brand AND boost the sale of your existing Products.

(In my experience – and the hundreds of case studies I’ve witnessed from people who have gone through the program – getting to 50-100 sales per day can be achieved in as little as 6 months if you’re willing to put in the work).

Because once you reach a “critical mass” in your audience, it’s incredibly easy to add new products to your product line…

And with a deep enough connection with your audience, you can sell them just about ANYTHING!

Take these celebrity-turned-entrepreneurs for example…

  • George Clooney started Casamigos tequila company, and within 4 years was able to sell it for almost $100 Million…
  • Kylie Jenner launched Kylie Cosmetics to her audience and sold over $54 Million worth of Products in the first 6 weeks…
  • Jessica Alba started The Honest Company after she had her first baby and struggled to find detergent that didn’t irritate her newborn’s skin… and within a few years, the company has grown into a BILLION dollar giant.

They all started out with an audience (PEOPLE) who feel connected to them…

So it was as simple to start million-dollar and BILLION-dollar businesses – all they needed was the Product idea, and to hire an ad agency to take care of the Plan and Processes.

(Once you have money to spend, starting new ventures goes a whole lot faster 😉 )

Clearly – true and lasting wealth IS attainable… and once you enroll in Million Dollar Brands, you will possess the keys to making it happen for yourself.

Your Life As CEO of A “4 Pillars” Business


Escaping from “Cubicle Hell” and being able to live life on your own terms, travelling whenever you want and creating unforgettable experiences for you and your loved ones…

Feeling the weight of financial stress lift from your chest so you can breathe again, because you always have more than enough coming in…Only working on projects you’re truly passionate about, and only when and where you feel like it…

Imagine how HAPPY you’ll feel, living the abundant, joyful life you’ve always dreamed of for yourself and your family…

How ENERGIZED you’ll feel, knowing you’re having a positive impact on people around the world each and every day…

And imagine the relief and RELEASE of pressure, knowing you’ll NEVER have to worry about the bills getting paid again.…Because you know your business will just continue to grow, your income will just continue to multiply, and your FREEDOM will just continue to expand.

Sound good?

Matt McAllester

Starting this business and getting our product from nothing to then selling more than I ever could have imagined selling was the most unreal experience. It was exciting, day in and day out, just checking sales. It was the coolest thing.
-Matt McAllester

Well, that’s exactly what Million Dollar Brands is designed to help you experience.

Join now to get started:

YOU Have An Idea The World Needs... Don't Let It Die

Look… If you’ve read this far then there’s something I KNOW to be true about you…

You’re a special kind of “crazy” – just like the people you read about earlier…

  • Paul and his CozyPhones…
  • Jeremiah and the products he found for runners…
  • Sara and her Spanx…
  • Rick and his eye glass holder…
  • Bobby and his “SquatyPotty”…
  • Moiz and his deodorant…
  • Jaff & Nate and their workout gloves…
  • Sophie and her lunch boxes…
  • Me and my Yoga and supplement products…

…and hundreds more from all walks of life…

We’re entrepreneurs. We have the audacity to believe we can “print our own ticket” in this life… and we’re going to GO FOR IT, no matter what anyone tells us.

Many of us have done it by selling all kinds of cool products…

…and my money says YOU have an incredible, life-changing idea inside you too…

An idea too good to let die…

An idea people need

An idea that would make the world a better place and make you truckloads of money… if you just got it out there.

And we want to help.

90 Day Money Back badge

Your Only Risk Is Your Willingness to Take Action and Do The Work

Enroll in the Million Dollar Brands $25k Ignitor Program for just $297 today.

Go through the modules… Do the Work…

And then submit your work and application to The Capitalism Fund team.

Do this within the first 90 days, and you get 100% of your investment in Million Dollar Brands returned to you…

And you finally have everything you need to launch your dream.

This is your reward for taking action and utilizing the resources we’re providing for you.


If you wait… 30 days… 60 days… 90 days… Well…

We’ll still be here.

But your dream will be another 30… 60… 90 days older… and a little more doubt about your ability to take action will creep in.

That’s not what I want for you.

I don’t want you to regret never giving it a go… Because as billionaire entrepreneur Jeff Bezos put it…

“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”
– Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO

I want you to transform yourself into a person of action… to take this opportunity and run with it… to transform your life… to win the $5k prize and launch your dream.

The only questions is:

Are you ready?

Let’s Get to Work,

Ryan Daniel Moran
Founder, Capitalism.com
Creator of The Capitalism Fund

P.S. Still not sure? Just Listen to what these Million Dollar Brand creators have to say about the opportunity in front of you right now…

*Results not typical and may vary from person to person.