The Capitalist Pig NFT

Web3 Meets Entrepreneurship
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The Capitalist Pigs are a new type of online community, where entrepreneurship meets Web3.

The Capitalist Pigs are a community of entrepreneurs who mastermind together and pursue investments together.

Since we are united behind the Capitalist Pig NFT, we are all incentivized for the group to grow and win together.

As a member, you unlock access to a group of successful entrepreneurs and receive first access to deal flow for early stage investments.

The first round launched in July 2022, and the first 50 spots were sold out immediately.

With the first round capped at 100 spots in 2022, there are 50 left. Get yours now.

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What The Capitalist Pig NFT Unlocks

Here is a quick breakdown of everything that happens when you own a Capitalist Pig NFT.
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Deal Flow

As a holder, you are first in line for the best deals from the network (approximately 8 – 12 per year).

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Aligned Incentives

Since your NFT can change in value, every owner is incentivized to make the community better and better.

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Profit Potential

Should you decide to leave the network, simply sell your NFT – possibly at a profit. The more that you invest into the community, the higher the value.

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Influence Your Assets

Unlike stocks, real estate, or crypto, you can influence your investments by being involved in each deal. This gives you influence on each investment and the community.

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You will have access to all of the other “Pigs,” creating a mastermind-like effect with other investors, entrepreneurs, and influencers.

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3 Year Access

Your Pig gets you access to 3 years of deal flow, networking, and investment opportunities. When it expires, you can choose to renew or sell your NFT access.

Web3 And The Future Of Capitalism

Web3 is changing the online landscape. But its potential reaches much further than the NFT and crypto flipping hype. It offers an opportunity to create the purest type of Capitalism that the world has ever seen.

Download this free whitepaper to learn more about the opportunity and what’s coming next.

What People Are Saying

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“Due to my specific industry, November is historically my slowest month. Thanks to a connection with another Pig, sales have 6x’d (!!!) so far this month over last year–and the month isn’t even over yet.”

Margie Remmers Davis
Capitalist Pig NFT Owner
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“Anybody that’s an entrepreneur should join. Anybody that wants to have more like-minded people in their life to bounce ideas off of; To support other entrepreneurs; to make investments together. If you want to be an entrepreneur or you want to be ready to take that step and have a lot of capital behind you to be able to do that. Those are the people that could benefit from this.”

Heather O'Brien
Capitalist Pig NFT owner
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“I’ve signed up for courses and masterminds, but I’ve never really joined anything quite like this. This is a pretty intimate group. I have already made 15 – 20 relationships and we’re going to be in this together for the next three years. “

Gary Menkes
Capitalist Pig NFT Owner
About The Creator
Ryan Daniel Moran

My name is Ryan Daniel Moran, and I mentor entrepreneurs to build 7-figure businesses that they can sell. The Capitalist Pig NFT gets you access to our investor network, which has first pass at the best deals and opportunities coming from the ecosystem.

— Ryan Daniel Moran

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