Ready to Hit Your First Million Dollar Year?

We help entrepreneurs create brands, get to 100 sales per day, and have a multi-million dollar exit.

99% of entrepreneurs never cross $1 million. We’re here to help you be in the 1%.

You’ve Been Looking For A Plan. This is That Plan.

We help entrepreneurs create 7-figure brands that they can sell for a multi-million dollar payday.

We do that by helping entrepreneurs create compelling brands and get to 100 sales per day.

With an average price point of $30, that’s $1 million per year in revenue. 

The entire plan takes about twelve months. 
At the end of twelve months, you have a brand that takes 100 sales per day and can be sold for a multi-million dollar exit.

This is what the next year looks like for you…

Months 1 - 3: The Grind

In The Grind, you will take your first sale.

Our system will help you choose a perfect product and build a launch list that wants to buy from you, so you take sales on your very first day.

Months 3 - 6: The Growth

In The Growth, your target is 25 sales per day.

We will help you get reviews, turn customers into raving fans, and run targeted free traffic campaigns to get to 25 sales per day.

Months 6 - 12: The Gold

In The Gold, your goal is to release three more products.

Now that we’ve built the systems for 25 sales per day, we run that playbook three more times. That gives you 4 products selling 25 sales per day… or 100 sales per day.

If you complete the curriculum, install the systems, and attend the coaching calls we guarantee that you will increase your sales by $10K per month… or we will buy your business from you for $10k.

A Few More Entrepreneurs Who Are Building Brands They Can Sell…

Leah started a new business and crossed $500,000 per month in sales.
Yasmine launched her dream business with an 8-figure vision.
Jason tripled his sales, hit #1 in his category, and paced $2.5 million in his business.
Greg left his old job, launched a podcast, and created a new business, and is on pace for 7-figures.

Gemma and Georgie started their dream business and are on pace to hit 8-figures.

Andri built a business in his 20s, traveled the world, and sold it for a huge payday…
Wanna Be Next?

How We Help You Get 100 Sales Per Day…

100 Sales Per Day Systems

Our 3G system walks you through a step-by-step process to launch your business, get sales from Day 1, and walk you toward 100 sales per day. As a result, you will have products with high margins and consistent sales, free traffic to grow your business, and an audience of raving fans.

Mentorship From Experts Who Run 7-Figure Brands

Hundreds of entrepreneurs credit our work as helping them get to 100 sales per day, and many have a multi-million dollar exit.  As a member of The One Percent, you will work directly with success mentors who have achieved 100 sales per day.  You will be placed into a Mastermind Group led by one of our Mentors, attend regular coaching calls with trainers and success stories, and receive personalized advice to grow your business to 100 sales per day.

Secret Weapon Relationships

We know the people that you need to meet. The manufacturer, the investor, the influencer, the mentor, your partner… all exist inside The One Percent. You could build this business alone, or you can leverage our rolodex built over more than a decade in the business.  Your big break is on the other side of one relationship, and you will meet them inside The One Percent.

Meet Your Advisors & Mentors

Jared Springer

Jared Springer

A few years ago, an injury left Jared physically disabled, and a bad business deal left him bankrupt. While at rock bottom, he discovered the Road To $1 Million plan and the community. Over the next two years, he would start, launch, and grow a seven-figure business, making him financially successful for the first time in his life. A few years later, he sold his business for several million dollars, completing an amazing turnaround story. Today, he serves as a coach for The One Percent, investing his time and focus into new entrepreneurs en route to their first million.


Ryan Daniel Moran

Ryan Daniel Moran is the CEO of and the author of the best selling book 12 Months To $1 Million. He is best known for turning a $600 investment into a business that sold for more than $10 million. Today, his podcasts have been downloaded more than 10 million times, and hundreds of entrepreneurs credit Ryan with helping them on their road to building 7-figure businesses. Ryan hosts two coaching calls per month in the community, and he also appears at most of our in-person events.

Evan Van Auken

Evan Van Auken

Evan Van Auken, who you may know from social media as @Vanader, invested a mere $500 into his first product idea. Within 2 years, Evan’s crafty idea turned into a bestseller on Amazon and secured placement in retail stores. Evan prioritized documenting his journey on social media. He amassed over 1 million followers on social media and as a result, his brand launched it’s second product and sold over $100,000 in just 90 days.


Jason Franciosa

After several failed business ventures, Jason was ready to give up on entrepreneurship. That’s when he discovered the Road To $1 Million plan. Jason scraped together his last few thousand dollars to start a business around his passion in CrossFit. Today, Jason’s business does more than $5 million in annual sales, and he serves as one of our head coaches at


Chelsey Halbert

Chelsey and her husband started a premium home organization brand in 2019 after juggling a big move across states, while homeschooling 4 children. Through social media, Chelsey created a community built around the shared goal of nurturing children’s imaginations while helping parents maintain their sanity through effective home organization. Today, Chelsey’s brand has over 100,000 Instagram followers and consistently sells out their exclusive product launches.


Chad Maghielse

Chad joined the community without any experience as an entrepreneur, and within two years, he was pacing $1 million in sales. He credits his success to following the training exactly and building a real business with a real audience. Chad’s true drive was freedom, so he quickly sold his business for 7-figure payday. Today, he spends his life as he pleases, including coaching members of The One Percent as a leader in The Growth mastermind.


Greg Johnson

A father of 7 children (yes, seven!), Greg has little time or energy for things that don’t work. That’s why he was drawn to The One Percent strategy: build a million dollar business and invest the profits. Greg serves as an advisor to several companies on their launch and marketing strategies, and he runs several fast-growing ecommerce businesses. As a way to give back, Greg serves as a coach in The Grind Mastermind.

Matt Doman

Matt Doman

As the former Chief Operations Officer of a $50 million e-commerce brand, Matt has mastered navigating the manufacturing and supply chain world with precision. Now, Matt is Operations Director for The Fund, where he works with new, growing businesses just like yours to build and optimize supply chain operations.

iRick Wiggins

iRick Wiggins

iRick Wiggins, better known as @ketosnackz in the digital realm, has mastered the art of “speaking to your audience.” iRick has over 2 million followers on Instagram and now creates social media content for a living. He credits his social media growth to genuinely caring about his content and audience, not just about the money. In The One Percent, iRick teaches the strategies he used to scale to the large following he has today.

Install Our 3G Systems To Get To 100 Sales Per Day

The Traffic Triangle System

Our Traffic Triangle System will have customers lining up to buy from you on Day 1. As a result of the Traffic Triangle system, you will have free traffic, engaged fans, and a hot list of potential customers within your first 90 days.

The Profitable Product Launch System

Our proven email templates will create pent-up demand for your products and result in a surge of sales within your first 7 days. Many of our students achieve $10k in sales after running their very first Profitable Product Launch campaign.

Sales Every Day System

Our Sales Every Day systems will create repeat customers at high margins, without feeling pushy or needy. When you install these systems, you will enjoy regular sales and predictable growth toward 100 sales per day.

1,000 Reviews System

Reviews are a cheat code to achieving 100 sales per day, and our systems consistently add 5* ratings to your product. These systems were developed and tested by a brand that sold for a massive payday, and they will increase your authority, free traffic, and sales.

Free Traffic From Influencers System

We have the systems to put your product in front of dozens of influencers. In some cases, this system can take a product to 25 sales per day in a matter of days. When you leverage these systems, your product gets featured to thousands of potential customers for free.

6 Figures In 6 Months System

Our “Six In Six” System will help you build an audience that takes you to six figures per month faster. As a result of installing these systems, you will have an audience that buys from you, leaves positive reviews, and refers others.

Complete The Curriculum, Install The Systems, & Attend The Coaching Calls, & We Guarantee That You Will Achieve At Least $10,000 Per Month…

Or we will buy your business from you for $10,000.

Here’s Everything You Get
Inside The One Percent…

100 Sales Per Day Curriculum

$10,000 Value

Grind, Growth, Gold Monthly Mastermind Calls

$10,000 Value

3G Systems To Install Into Your Business

$10,000 Value

Monthly Q&As w/ Ryan Daniel Moran

$10,000 Value

Regular Case Study Calls w/ Success Stories

$5,000 Value

Access To Mentors, Relationships, & Partnerships

$7,500 Value

Connections To Manufacturers, Service Providers, & Community Rolodex

$5,000 Value

1-On-1 Help On Mastermind and Coaching Calls

$5,000 Value

One Year Inside The One Percent Community

$1,997 Value

Recordings From Our Annual Summit

$3,500 Value

$10k Guarantee


Connections With Entrepreneurs On The Same Path


Total Value $67,997

Members Of The One Percent Get Results Like This

Bradley and his wife joined The One Percent and 10x’d their brand in 6 months.

Patrick crossed $10k on launch day

Matt followed Ryan’s advice and was profitable the first month.

Roger received his fist sale and 5 star review on Amazon on launch day

Tanya took her first sale before announcing they’d gone live

Sherisse followed the coaches advice to do LESS… resulting in her first 25 sale day.

Chris followed Ryan’s advice and sold
$27k on day 1.

Chris followed Ryan’s advice and sold
$27k on day 1.

Kyle joined the community and had his first $100k month

Wanna be next?

We are a community of entrepreneurs who collaborate and support one another while we build 7-figure businesses. We will have your back while you build your dream.

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