1) Remove you as the bottleneck.
The single biggest factor on IF you can sell your business and for WHAT MULTIPLE you can sell your business is how much it depends on you.
Unfortunately you're more than likely stuck because you've made yourself into a bottleneck in your business - where it's dependent upon you for critical functions and will burn to the ground if you step away for too long...
When you get out of this place it's an instant transformation for your life and business.
-You'll no longer be overloaded and stressed from working "in your business" doing things you shouldn't be doing.
-You'll have time freedom to work "on your business" doing the things that bring you joy along with pushing your valuation to the max so you can sell for the most money possible.
-You'll have more space to spend time outside of work with the people you enjoy.
-You'll make your business easier to sell.
-You'll add a minimum of $500,000 to your valuation.
The way we remove you as a bottleneck is simple.
We bring in our vetted vendors, outsourcers, and innovative shared services to allow your business to run more efficiently WITHOUT YOU.
If fact, we've had many members see a 40-60% increase in sales by implementing our proprietary shared services model for top tier talent alone.
When you're part of The Capitalism Incubator, you don't have to worry about hiring & firing people that may or may not do the job anymore.
You'll also cut costs on labor, manufacturing, and production... all of this leading to increased margins.
That equals more money in your pocket now and more money in your pocket when you sell.
You'll be in the prime position to command the highest valuation possible.
2) Install proven growth systems to increase sales.
Now that your time is freed up, you can focus on the fun stuff!
- Launching new products
- Creating new funnels
- Running tests to improve your conversions and average order value
- Improving your customer support and follow up systems
All of this activity improves your top line revenue & net profit. Our average member adds $50,000-$100,000 PER MONTH in sales within 3 months of implementing these growth systems.
You'll make your business even more attractive to buyers along with adding a minimum of $500,000 to your valuation.
3) Get you plugged into a community of 7 & 8 figure product brand owners pursuing a meaningful exit together.
There's an old saying: "your net worth is directly related to your network."
Which we've found to be 100% true.
IF you want to build, grow, and scale a product brand business and enjoy the fruits of that labor...
You need to be around others who've done wat you want and people trying to get there just like you.
That's why we've cultivated an elite community of 7 & 8 figure product brand owners. Those who've already exited - some from multiple brands! Along with the best of the best pursuing the same path.
We're like 'iron sharpening iron' as we fast track each other to that all so glorious 7+ figure exit.