”You have to love the process, not just the result”
Everyone says that in the entrepreneur and personal development space, and so often when people finally reach their big goals, they miss the climb and don't know what to do next.
This is an audio-only podcast you won’t find on the YouTube channel because I think there are some lessons that are better taught when I’m not in front of a camera.
In this lesson I share my evolving thoughts on being present for the process of chasing my own business and investing goals.
Sheer Strength Labs, the company I reacquired after my big exit, had it’s first big sales day where it hit a $1 million run rate again and that’s been really exciting but I can’t help but come back to the biggest lesson I’ve ever learned about growth:
Fast is bad and slow is good.
Connect with me on Instagram at https://instagram.com/ryandanielmoran
If you're ready to start your road to $1M, head to https://www.capitalism.com/playbook
If you're already at the $1M/year mark and want to partner with us, head to https://www.capitalism.com/inc