The U.S. Senate just took the first vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

The vote took place late last night, and passed the senate 51-48. The legislative move marks the first step toward an initiative critical to the first 100 days of the incoming Trump Administration. The bill provides the legislature with the necessary resources to begin the repeal process for the entire Affordable Care Act.

However, Republicans have directly tied in the Obamacare repeal with the greater budget and therefore have raised questions from some of their own. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been outspoken in his critique of the GOP’s attempt to push the repeal of Obamacare in conjunction with a Republican-orchestrated budget that doesn’t balance. The liberty-leaning Republican, known for his strong stance on budgetary issues, was the lone Republican to vote against his party’s bill.

“As a physician, I cannot wait to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a healthcare system that relies on freedom to provide quality, comprehensive, and affordable care” Senator Paul said in regard to his opposition vote.

One of the Kentucky Senator’s greatest concerns it the budget’s addition of $10 trillion to the debt and the lack of an alternative reform. As a consequence, he’s proposing a replacement bill.

With the support of President-elect Donald Trump, Paul’s plan repeals Obamacare with an immediate replacement. Trump reached out to Paul in hopes to lay the groundwork for an immediate replacement that guarantees broad coverage in a competitive and affordable health care market.

One critical aspect of Paul’s replacement proposal is the establishment of independent health savings accounts that Americans can tap into for a plethora of health care service-related costs. In an effort to open up the healthcare market for greater competition, Paul’s plan would also likely include permitting sales across state lines.

Democrats have condemned the repeal and replacement efforts of the Republican-lead Congress. Citing the dramatic increase in insured Americans under Obamacare, critics are concerned about the consequences of repealing the 2010 law.

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