There is no such thing as "big goals" or "small goals", there are just targets.
I started lining out some targets for the next steps in my career and what's coming next from the Capitalism office.
I'm also trying to create as many millionaires as I can and give more away for free without taking such a salesy direct response approach these days.
One of the most common questions that entrepreneurs ask me is, "how can I grow my business without feeling like I'm pushing my products or services SO hard on my audience?" No one wants to feel needy or desperate. I have some thoughts on that...
I want to work with people who WANT to work with me. It's energizing. People who feel they NEED my tutoring, or my course, or my event to get to the next level are energy-draining.
Think about what will energize you in your business and then providing value to others will be rewarding... and FUN!