Full show notes at https://freedomfastlane.com/
Are you taking proper care of yourself?
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the business world. Late nights, quick meals, and stressful work can become a new normal without you even noticing.
While all this hard work can pay off financially, you may be unwittingly digging yourself an early grave.
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi’s dad worked long hours so his family could have a good life. But it took a grievous toll on his health, and he died at 42, leaving the 10-year-old Anthony without a father.
How well are you sleeping? Are you eating fast food a lot to spend more time on work? Are you exercising at all?
Do you feel stressed out much of the time from the pressures of entrepreneurship?
Have you had a checkup with a doctor recently? Considered doing blood-work to see if your hormone levels are within a healthy range?
You invest so much time in your work, charging ahead to keep on top of everything. How much time do you invest in your own health, in your own quality of life?
It’s time to check-in with yourself on your habits, and it may be time for you to talk to a professional about your health.
Don’t put it off until it’s too late. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be there for them. All the money in the world won’t replace their father, their mother, their spouse.
Key takeaways:
Entrepreneurship is fraught with health hazards Checking in with a professional will let you know how your body is doing Don’t put off your health until it’s too late
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Check out Anthony’s business at https://www.fitfatherproject.com/. On Facebook On LinkedIn On Twitter
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