Okay. Investing in marinas is not as sexy as owning a boat.

In this episode of the Capital Gains podcast, Jim Bronstein of Marine Business Advisors shares why investing in marinas and boat yards could be worth your while.

Jim has been in the boat yard and marina business for more than 35 years as an operator, investor, consultant and investment advisor.

On today's show, he tells us how the marina business has grown from a mom and pop hobbyist endeavor to a serious investment asset that's highly sought after by real estate investors and private equity firms alike.

If you're interested in how to invest in marinas, there's no one better to know than Jim Bronstein.

I hope that you enjoy my interview with Jim Bronstein. If you want to learn more about investing in marinas and boat yards, check out the website from Marine Business Advisors at marineba.com.

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