Today we're talking about Monsanto. Uh oh! Somebody's going to get upset.
Oh boy. So, news came out this past month that the food giant, Monsanto, might have known that spraying chemicals on food was bad for you.
What? They knew? Who would have thought?
Some leaked documents between the EPA and some executives on Monsanto suggested that they might have had knowledge that they tried to cover up so the news says.
Now, uh oh! Controversial statement coming.
I have never been on the anti-Monsanto train because they've just done what has been allowed by both customers and the government. So, as we look at this, at what has gone on, I think there is someone even more guilty than Monsanto.
And I think the blame lies squarely on government.
When we have something like this come out, when we see that a company has done something dirty, especially when it comes from leaked documents that are communicated between a company and government, blame automatically goes to the company. But I say, why are we not more upset at the real culprit, which is government, which stamps approval onto companies through crony capitalism and says keep doing what you're doing.
This is what happens when government gets in bed with business.
This is the danger of creating agencies that are supposed to take care of us or be watch dogs or have oversight over other companies or make sure that individuals are protected. This is the danger because when you trust that to government the government is now the stamp of approval of a lot of stuff that you don't know that goes on, rather than allowing the market to allow information to flow and for customers to get what they demand.
If the EPA and the government regulation was out of the way, customer demand would be king rather than government approval or government's big stamp and they're okay of things going into the marketplace.
If you want real change, if you want the causes that you believe in, to exist in the world and to be available in the marketplace, the worst thing we can possibly do is give control over to a government organization. That will only slow down progress because we don't rise to the standard that government sets.
We fall to the lowest common denominator that government allows. It's just like no child left behind.
We think that is going to drive up the quality of education. Well, that's what it was intended to do but what happens instead is we fall to a minimum standard that the government sets and then we all complain why is education so out of whack in this country.
So, yes, we should all be upset about the fact that there are chemicals sprayed on our food and that it's allowed. But we don't blame only the organization that's doing it, we blame the organization that we have indirectly elected and said it's okay to do this.
The solution, by the way, is not to change the guard at the EPA. The solution is not to have more regulation or more government oversight.
It is to eliminate it altogether and put individuals through private exchange through capitalism in charge through what they demand in the marketplace. That is how you will get the change that you want to see in the world.
Tune in to the full episode to learn more about selling low margin products in order to build brand equity, and a case study of an anti-dog cancer brand.
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