If you want to learn powerful networking with the people you most need to meet, nobody can teach you how to do it more effectively than Judy Robinett.

Powerful Networking Means Adding Value

I came to know about Judy through reading her book, “How To Be A Power Connector.” Through the book, she opened my eyes to a systematic way to connect with people that influenced my thinking significantly.

I invited Judy on the Capital Gains podcast to talk about her book, and to also share her experience in the angel investing niche.

powerful networking, judy robinett, capital gains, capitalism

Learn how to add value to people quickly and get noticed.

Networking used to be nothing more than going to business meetups and exchanging business cards.

But even back then, those who knew the “secret” recognized that it wasn’t about being at the meeting to blast out your name and business to others. It was about adding value.

Judy says that those who learn to add value to people quickly, get noticed quickly. And it’s that kind of attention that puts you on their radar in ways that can move your business endeavors forward.

Judy unpacks that principle and a whole lot more on this episode, so be sure you listen.

Get a warm introduction to someone you need to know.

It’s so much easier to start a conversation with someone you need to meet if someone they already respect or work with introduces you to them.

That’s called a “warm introduction” and it’s not always something that’s easy to come by. But Judy believes that anyone can learn how to get those kinds of introductions—to almost anyone on the planet. That is, if you know how to go about it.

In this episode, she shares her two “golden questions” and tells you how to use them to make connections with the people who matter. You won’t want to miss this simple but powerful tip. It’s so obvious it’s embarrassing that I hadn’t thought of it before.

Anything you need is attached to people, so connect with them.

Judy points out that the average person knows 600 people. That means it’s likely that almost everyone you meet is connected to someone that would be beneficial to you or your business.

Said another way, the resources and introductions you need the most are only a few relationships away. But you have to know how to go about discovering those relationships and how to go about getting the warm introduction you need.

Judy is a pro at doing that. In this conversation, she tells me some of the ways she has gone about connecting with high profile people in all industries, government, and more.

Don’t ask for help right away. First ask how YOU can be of help.

One of the foundational principles of power connecting is that you play the long game. Patience is indeed a virtue.

Find out what other people do. What are their dreams? Then think of the ways—through your resources and connections—that you can advance what THEY are doing.

In this way, you become an asset to them that they won’t easily forget.

When the time comes that you need to ask for a favor or introduction, they’ll respond in light of the value you’ve already provided to them. In other words, they’ll trust your motives because you’ve already been generous to them – and they’ll be eager to help.


Outline of this Episode

  • [0:24] My introduction of Judy Robinette and this episode.
  • [1:38] Judy’s path to becoming an entrepreneur and influencer.
  • [6:00] How Judy learned how to develop her power connecting skills.
  • [8:22] The 5-50-100 rule for establishing and maintaining connections.
  • [10:30] Judy’s two golden questions for strategic networking.
  • [12:52] How should a startup founder go about finding capital funding?
  • [16:30] What is a warm introduction and how do you receive one?
  • [19:59] What is a “good deal” to an angel investor? What are they looking for?
  • [22:37] How an advisory board fits into a startup/investment scenario.
  • [27:20] What an investor could do to become familiar with angel investing.
  • [31:31] What it means to do “due diligence” when checking out a startup company.
  • [34:47] What are angel investing teams looking for in investing partners?
  • [41:26] How to respond to a deal that comes to you privately.
  • [44:27] Judy’s biggest mistakes in angel investing and what she learned from them.
  • [47:12] Big projects Judy has in the works.
  • [49:38] How you can connect with Judy.

Resources Mentioned

Connect with Capitalism.com

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