After extensively researching thousands of communities created on the popular workplace chat tool Slack, Standuply compiled a list of 114 Slack communities for CEOs.

The list is separated into seven different product-related categories: Design, UI/UX, e-commerce, GameDev, games, Slack, startups and product development miscellaneous.

For those interested in startups and product development, several Slack communities exist for people just getting started and for others seeking collaboration. Notably, Amateurpreneur is a great place to begin when first entering the startup community. There, you can get feedback and discuss the progress of your concept with others.

The Product School community offers product management courses on a part-time basis. Other communities offer access to product manager communities, tips on running a developing a small business, and how to do business internationally.

Some of the other communities that CEOs can join are wide-ranging in subject matter, field, and function. For example, GameDev specialists have access to the Indie Game Developers group to bounce ideas off other independent developers.

PokemonGo-bot is a channel to announce information of nearby Pokémon for gamers while those interested in e-commerce can access the Marketplace Academy for conversations about everything e-commerce and online markets.

UI/UX designers can rub shoulders in communities like Designer Hangout, the UX Design Community, and Design Talks to get feedback, critique on work, and potential freelancing gigs.

Some of the other communities give CEOs access to religious entrepreneurship groups like the Jewish Tribe of Angels. Others include customer conversation platforms, like Layer, and places to get involved with side projects.

These 100+ communities are also a part of a larger list of over 1,000 Slack communities meant for product talks and collaboration.

Other findings from Standuply’s researchers conclude that Slack communities have grown by 2.5 times in 2016 with over 1 million people using the app for various activities.

The original list can be found on a post published Standuply’s co-founder, Alex Kistenev on


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