Mauricio Rauld changed my life by opening up a whole new world of investment opportunities for me.

He was originally introduced to me by a mutual friend when the Cleveland Indians were selling a part of their organization. He helped me make a bid for buying a portion of the team.

The Indians ended up going with a private investment, instead of my syndicate deal. But in the process, I connected Mauricio, and he completely changed my view on raising capital, generating passive income, and most importantly, he opened up my eyes to what’s possible in the world of alternative asset investing.

Mauricio gave up his law practice in order to work on raising capital and putting together deals for alternative asset investing and passive income.

He had it all on paper — a great family, a life on the beach in Belize, and a successful business. But he felt trapped professionally. He was helping others get ahead, but wasn’t getting ahead himself.

As a lawyer, he helped on the legal side of all these deals, and saw how well his clients were doing. So he decided he wanted a piece of the action, and gave up his successful solo law practice to pursue something bigger. The focus was on the acquisition of alternative assets.

An alternative asset is anything that isn’t tied to Wall Street or considered a traditional ‘paper’ asset, like stocks and mutual funds.

Alternative assets could be things like precious metals, multi-family apartments, mobile home parks, and whatever else may be good in the economic climate.

The two major criteria for an alternative assets is:

1. Having complete control over your asset.

2. They are tangible, aka, “real things.”

These assets are extremely attractive because they are less likely to be impacted by market downturns, and can actually be used in a downturn.

Mauricio, as the CFO of Four Peaks Capital Partners, specializes in raising money from investors and entrepreneurs, and then deploying their money into alternative asset investments. And these savvy investors then get a regular check in the mail.

And in this week’s podcast, he is breaking down the psychology and mentality of alternative asset investments, and gives us a little peak behind the scenes of the business side of his deals.

We talk about:

– Where the economy is going tomorrow

– How investors are responding today

– Different sources of passive income from alternative assets

And why alternative assets are an excellent way to reduce your tax liability. To learn more about growing your wealth, check out my upcoming Investing For Entrepreneurs Course, which will be released next month.


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