“You wake it, you take it.” That was the rule of law in my house when we had babies. 

But that’s because back then, Love By Emi was 25 years in the future.

Not long ago, Jarrad Steel “fumbled his way through” the free training videos we post on YouTube and in the podcast. He launched a brand that helps exhausted moms and dads of littles get just a little more… more time for a shower, to sip a cup of coffee instead of chugging it, and to do any of the little things that often become distant memories for new parents. These cute little cuddly animal-blankies play soft music to lull babies back to sleep for a few more minutes. 

(Pro Tip for Parents: Buy multiples. Having a spare (or 7) will save the day if you happen to leave that little elephant at the park… or when it needs washing.)

Following along and taking action for about 12 months, he took this brand from conception to making 25 sales a day. This, while he and his wife both have jobs that they love… mostly. Seeing proof that he’s onto something, Jarrad decided to get serious and join the Capitalism Incubator.

That’s how this Aussie rolls. In fact, he got up at 4:45 a.m. just for our interview. He’s following our playbook for building a 7-figure business to a T. The plan is for 4 products, each at a $30 price point, making 100 sales a day.

Member Spotlight: Jarrad Steel, Founder of Love By Emi

Built to Sell

At first, he thought this would be the business he does forever. But in Cap Inc, he started thinking bigger. Now, long-term, Jarrad’s plan is to build this baby big and strong, then sell it for 8 figures. Between now and then, he and his wife will both shift from their day jobs to full-time on the business. He runs a manufacturing and logistics business; she’s a physical therapist. They enjoy working together plus having the flexibility to spend more time with their kids and be financially comfortable as a family.

Their three kids serve as “crash test dummies” during product development. Each has a favorite of the animals that they root for. In fact, their first question when they get home from school is how many ‘their’ animal sold that day. The oldest even took animals to school to sell at an enterprise day event. She also pays rapt attention as the Steels create social media posts and handle other tasks for the business.

Jarrad’s gathering an audience on Instagram and Facebook, starting to partner with influencers, and using product inserts to bring customers into his email list and to get reviews. (Pro Tip for Marketers: Make sure your QR code works AND that you include a link to your URL. Ask Jarrad how he knows that gem.)

His days of bumbling along (his words!) figuring out email marketing are over, now that the Autopilot Sales course dropped in The One Percent. The plan is to further engage his list, asking their input on product development and putting them in the front of the line to see new products as they’re born.

This sweet, nurturing brand doesn’t stop with making life better for its customers alone. Each purchase supports a couple of pregnancy and child-centered organizations: Generation Her and Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital in Long Beach.

Jarrad’s on the right track, and the whole community’s cheering him on. It’s no wonder he’s getting reviews like this.

Love By Emi review

Are You Next?

We're really proud of Jarrad and all of our students on the road to $1 million. They're high-integrity entrepreneurs who take ownership of problems they didn't cause. They make the world a better place by creating solutions that change lives - in big and small ways.

That's the recipe for a hugely successful business... the kind that can create generational wealth.

Here at Captialism.com, we're on a mission to make one million millionaires by 2028. We'd love you to be one of them!

If Jarrad's story - and the other success stories we've shared - inspires you to build a brand of your own, we can help.

Your first step? Finding the business that's perfect for YOU.

Your homework? Download this FREE million dollar brand playbook. Then, we'll get started!