• Honor - I respect myself and others
  • Dignity - I recognize my importance to my family and community 
  • Excellence - I strive to do my best in the things that matter most 
  • Self Discipline - I train my behavior for success
  • Character - I am authentic to who I am 
  • Integrity - I do what I say I will do
  • Compassion - I recognize everyone has weakness and falls short. I uplift them when they do.

These, folks, are the principles behind The Quiet Warrior, founded by Scott Stephens of The One Percent. Scott’s on a mission to uplift good men as they fulfill their responsibilities in protecting and providing for their families. 

Men in general get a bad rap these days. The media - both social and broadcast - can paint a pretty awful picture of men based on the noisy bad examples of a few. Yet there are legions of men out there quietly living as stand-up guys - the kind who selflessly serve, who take care of their families and communities, who work hard to raise healthy kids who become excellent adults. All while weathering a relentless beating in some circles of public opinion. 

Good men, Scott sees you. And he wants to help. That’s why he’s building his brand. He’s here to serve and support, restoring honor and dignity to being a man.

The Origin Story

Not quite a year ago, Scott went through a really tough time. As a veteran who’s spent some time in the sandbox, that’s not uncommon. We’ve all read the tragic daily statistic that 22 veterans take their own lives. Some say that stat is understated by about half. Where many brands for men market to their fantasies, Scott wanted to reach them through their sense of honor.

In the midst of his own dark days, Scott decided to serve others rather than to implode. This decision came after his brother-in-law shared 12 Months to $1 Million with him. Scott read it and picked his person immediately - men just like him.

Then Scott joined The One Percent and got to work. First order of business? Start gathering an audience. 

Scott created a Facebook Page and Group. Then he created a post that resonated with exactly the guys he wants to reach. Then he boosted it with a whopping $5. The result? He’s now crossed 2,500 followers at a cost of $.01 per interaction. (Anything  under $.10 each is pretty awesome.) His group now has about 800 members who joined him for a Challenge.

Meanwhile, he developed and launched his first product, Storm Support. It’s a supplement designed to give you energy and focus “so you can be alert and effective when your family needs you the most.” It’s caffeine-free and includes B vitamins for metabolism and energy management, plus ingredients that support memory, learning, stamina, cognitive function, and anxiety reduction. 

Member Spotlight: Scott Stephens, Founder of The Quiet Warrior

How's It Going?

For now, he’s selling only through his site. Amazon can come later. Scott’s also got a few more supplements in mind to support men suffering from inflammation and those battling sexual function challenges.

Scott’s a business consultant working with a university for now. The Quiet Warrior is his side hustle. One long-term goal he’s thinking about is ultimately bringing on a partner who wants to handle the logistics and operations, leaving him free to be the face and the messenger of the brand. Scott takes great delight in bolstering others up and being a positive influence in their lives.

This is what it’s all about, folks. Choose a person. Serve them with all you’ve got. This is the way. We’ll be following Scott’s progress and rooting him on every step of the way. Get his newsletter here.

Your Turn?

If Scott's story inspires you to choose a group of people you love and to go all-in on serving them, building a brand that makes their lives better... and that has the power to create the kind of wealth that sets your family up for life, we can help you!

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