With a single video, Poo~Pourri’s master marketers called bullsh*t—and sold $30 million in product.

Can one video do that?

Marketers are constantly working to make each promotion shine. They hope that, in the vast sea of content on the web, their message goes viral. But it’s rare.

Consumers are getting smarter about filtering through traditional marketing. Marketers must innovate to remain relevant, or get lost in the noise.

Poo~Pourri did just that with viral video—to the tune of $30 million.

Their team created a video that took toilet humor to a whole new level. It’s called “Girls Don’t Poop” and it is a social media smash:

Girls Don't Poop - PooPourri.com

“Girls Don’t Poop” isn’t a one-hit wonder. The team at Poo~Pourri figured out the viral video playbook and what got millions of viewers to buy.

So how did Poo~Pourri replicate its success?

Poo~Pourri invested in creative talent. They built out a video production arm of the business—Number Two Productions.

As Poo~Pourri’s Senior VP of Marketing, Will Clarke is involved in crafting incredible sales copywriting and brand storytelling for the production team.

Will is literary genius—dubbed by Rolling Stone as America’s “Hot Pop Prophet.”

If you want the recipe for viral video success, you have to meet Will—at this year’s Capitalism Conference December 7-9 in Austin, Texas.

The three-day event will give you the playbook to grow a multi-million dollar business, create unlimited passive income and generational wealth, and take advantage of the massive changes that are already happening for entrepreneurs.

The Capitalism Conference is the global summit for entrepreneurial empire builders. It’s where capitalists, business leaders and investors gather to share insider secrets.

→ Learn from seasoned millionaires and billionaires on how to grow your business and make more money, pay fewer taxes, and invest for passive cash flow and long term wealth.

→ Be mentored by those on the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship while you network and download actionable strategies to grow, hire, build, and invest.

→ Follow the trail that has been blazed by Peter Diamandis, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Herjavec, John Mackey, and others.

Reserve your spot at The Capitalism Conference today.