Khaby Lame is living the dream that so many TikTokers hope for themselves each time they post a video on the platform. He rose to fame and fortune when his comedic videos went viral during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Khaby, a former factory worker, launched his TikTok career from his modest public housing complex in Italy. His unique videos mocked overly complicated “life hack” videos, using funny, silent responses and facial expressions. 

Through his social media following on TikTok and Instagram, Khaby has created great wealth. Have you ever wished you could achieve riches through social media? In this guide, we will uncover Khaby’s net worth, journey to jaw-dropping wealth, brand endorsements, and tips you can use to emulate his social media success. 

Plus, find out how you can learn to grow your own million dollar brand FREE.

Khaby Lame’s Net Worth$13 million
Age: 22
Date of Birth:March 9, 2000
Birthplace:Dakar, Senegal
Height:6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)
Source of Wealth:TikTok and Instagram Content Creator 
Best-Known For: Wing Mirror TikTok video, which became his most viewed video of all time with 351.5 million views

What is Khaby Lame's net worth?

Various sources show Khaby Lame’s estimated net worth is $13 million. 

Who is Khaby Lame?

Khaby Lame is a Senegalese-born Italian social media influencer and content creator. He is known for his comedic videos on TikTok and Instagram, where he silently mocks “life hack” videos, using funny facial expressions. 

That’s right, he has made millions on TikTok without saying a word!

After losing his factory job during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Khaby began posting videos on TikTok. His early videos featured him watching video games and dancing. However, his popularity and income soared when he started creating silent videos, using TikTok’s “stitch” and “duet” features, to respond to complicated “life hack” videos. His signature style is performing the same task as in the life hack video, saying nothing but using comedic facial expressions and a hand gesture. 

By January 2022, Khaby became TikTok's most-followed content creator with 142.9 million followers, dethroning Charli D'Amelio, who had 142.3 million followers.  

His current TikTok following stands at 155.1 million.

How does Khaby Lame make money?

Khaby has built his impressive net worth through TikTok content and online brand endorsements. He reportedly makes $400,000 per TikTok clip for his collaborations and $20,000 for each Instagram promotion post. In total, Khaby earns $4 million from TikTok and $1 million from Instagram annually. 

What are the sources of Khaby Lame's income?

Khaby has several sources of income contributing to his net worth. Here are some of the ways he generates money:

1. Brand Partnerships

2. Advertising

3. Product Sales through his online store Khabyshop

4. Paid Content

5. Earnings from Social Media Platforms

6. Co-Owner of Creative Agency - Iron Corporation

How can you become like Khaby Lame and build your own social media empire?

Do you have dreams of achieving wealth through social media like Khaby Lame? Check out these steps for building a social media empire:

  1. Decide what kind of business you want to start.
  2. Figure out how much money you need to start up your business.
  3. Choose a business idea that fits your expertise.
  4. Create a plan for growing your business.
  5. Create an actionable strategy for growing your audience.
  6. Work on building your brand awareness.
  7. Work on monetizing your fan base.

Love learning how social media influencers like Khaby get rich? Check out this blog about Charlie D’Amelio’s net worth


How did Khaby Lame become famous?

Khaby rose to fame and fortune by creating videos on TikTok. When he got laid off from his factory job during the COVID-19 pandemic, he dove into content creation on the platform, sharing funny videos of his responses to “life hack” videos. The popularity of Khaby’s videos led to him going viral, and he became the most-followed TikToker, surpassing top personality Charlie D’Amelio in January 2022. 

What is Khaby Lame's net worth?

Khaby Lame’s net worth is estimated at $13 million, but sources report he could achieve as much as $25 million this year.  

How has the pandemic impacted Khaby Lame's success?

Khaby lost his job at a factory in Chivasso, Italy, during the pandemic, and that’s when he began his lucrative TikTok career in the bedroom of his family’s public housing complex. Rather than returning to his factory job when it opened back up, he has hit the big time on social media and is now the most-followed individual on TikTok, earning millions. As a result, Khaby moved out of public housing and purchased a multi-million-dollar luxury home for $6 million.  

What sponsorships and endorsements has Khaby Lame received?

Khaby’s sponsorship and endorsement deals include:

  • Xbox
  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime
  • Dream 11
  • Juventus F.C. 
  • Goal
  • Hugo Boss
  • Web3
  • Binance

What kind of cars does Khaby Lame own?

Since becoming a millionaire, Khaby has accumulated an impressive car collection, including:

  • Mercedes-Benz AMG G63
  • BMW X5
  • BMW X6
  • Audi RS5
  • Audi Q8
  • Porsche 911
  • Lamborghini Huracan
  • Jeep Compass

How did Khaby Lame's transition from factory worker to social media star happen?

Before he got laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic, Khaby was a factory worker operating numerical control machines in Chivasso, Italy. Since Khaby was no longer employed, he spent his free time creating funny TikTok videos, using the “duet" feature to silently respond to overly complicated "life hack" videos. His unique content went viral, and he quickly garnered millions of followers. Today, he is the most-followed individual on TikTok, earning millions through the platform, Instagram, and endorsement deals. 

What is the source of Khaby Lame's income?

Khaby earns money through TikTok, Instagram, merchandise sales on Khabyshop, endorsements, brand partnerships, and as the co-owner of the creative agency Iron Corporation. 

How does Khaby Lame's brand ambassador work help him make money?

As a brand ambassador for companies like Hugo Boss, cryptocurrency exchange Binance, and Web3, Khaby is featured in their advertisements and shares sponsored posts on his social media platforms. His endorsement deals and partnerships have contributed significantly to his net worth. 


Khaby Lame’s journey from factory worker to millionaire content creator is the stuff dreams are made of. Rather than giving up and accepting poverty when he lost his factory job during the COVID-10 pandemic, Khaby used his comedic skills and TikTok to create transformational wealth. It’s safe to say his life will never be the same. 

This is the story of a person who was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Instead, he paved his way to fame and fortune with one brilliant idea–to make people laugh at a time when they needed it most. 

Is your dream to build a brand that will help you create generational wealth while making the world a better place? Even if you don't fancy yourself a comedian or a TikTok personality, you can start a business that's perfect for YOU.

And is here to help! We are on a mission to make one million millionaires by 2028, and we’d love for you to be one of them.

That’s why we created this FREE course that will coach you on how to go from $0 to $1 million. Get started building your net worth today.